You are an essential part of the success of the Come Meet A Black Person movement. We cannot do this without you. Please join our movement as a Change Warrior by registering on this website and become a member of the cause. This is a place for you to find Come Meet A Black Person events in your area, post comments on our movement and meet diverse people as we change the world one friend at a time.
We are taking the Come Meet A Black Person event across the country with a December 2017 holiday event here in Georgia and branching out across the country with at least a 26-city tour beginning January 2018. Make sure you check the calendar often!
Locations on the Come Meet A Black Person tour are being determined by YOU from your emails, phone calls and postings across social media. We will need help from Change Warriors in these cities to help identify locations, spread the word through social networks, resources, sponsors, etc.
We are developing the Come Meet A Black Person Toolkit that will be available for download so that you can host Come Meet A Black Person events in your town or city on an ongoing basis. The Come Meet A Black Person Toolkit and Change Warrior Training Sessions will be available January 1, 2018. These positive interactive gatherings will continue to foster open dialogues all across our nation for the betterment of each of our communities.
Please use our contact form to reach us or call us at 404.460.2793.
I look forward to meeting you all as we change the world, one friend at a time!
Peace and blessings,
Cheryle Moses